Creating a Workpiece

  1. In the Configuration mode, on the Tightening Positions page, in the Tightening Positions list cancel the selection for all the existing elements. Then, select the Add Workpiece button at the upper-left corner.
    Group pop-up window opens.

  2. In the Group tab, enter and select the group parameters:

    • ID: enters the unique identifier string of the group.
      All IDs must be globally unique, so that no other group or position may have the same ID.

    • Order: selects the tightening order inside the group, which can be Forced Order or Free Order.

      • Free Order: the operator is free to choose the tightening sequence (or order) of the positions.
        Visual indication is given when the tool is in one of the specified tightening positions.

      • Forced Order: the operator is not free to choose the tightening sequence (or order) of the positions.
        The operator must follow the sequence which is defined by the ordering of the positions in ILG software – from top to bottom. Operator guidance gives a blue position indicator at the specified tightening position.

    Within groups with a defined order, it is possible to create a group with another order. The program changes the order as soon as the corresponding subgroup has been selected.

    Once the operator starts a tightening within a given group, all elements (tightenings and subgroups) of this group must be finished before moving on to another group of the same hierarchy level.

    • Type: the type is Workpiece by default. It is not editable.

    • Loosening: defines in which positions the ILG software allows the operator to perform loosening.
      Select the necessary loosening setting.

      • Forbidden: does not allow loosening at all.

      • Valid_positions: allows loosening in all valid positions.

      • Worked_on_positions: allows loosening in all positions, which have been worked on (OK or NOK).

      • Unsuccessful_positions: allows loosening in all positions with a NOK tightening result.

      • Last_position: allows loosening in the last position. If the last position has been loosened, it changes to the previous position, which thus allows loosening in reverse tightening order.

    • Keep tool running: controls if the tool that started in a valid tightening position is still enabled if the operator moves the tool outside of the position during the tightening.
      We recommend to select false. Select true only for very special applications.

    • Retries: selects how many retries are allowed for tightening positions.

    • Bypass a NOK: selects if a tightening position can be bypassed.

    • Tools: assigns the necessary tool to the Workpieces.

  3. In the Image tab, enter and select the image parameters:

    • Image: selects the necessary image.

    • Image size: adjusts the width and height of the image for the process display.

    • Image rotation: to display a process graphically within ILG software, the alignment of the component image must correspond to the real alignment between tool and component. ILG software cannot change image files graphically. Thus, if the image is rotated to the actual process view, this rotation cannot be compensated automatically.
      Use Image Rotation function to realign the image, in case of a deviation between the real and the displayed alignment.

    • Transformation and Translation: the transformation matrix and translation are the methods to transform the real-world 3D coordinate into the workpiece image coordinate. The transformation is done through the matrix multiplication, which does the image axis transformation and scaling, and the translation, which adjusts the position. These values require only fine-tuning here, because normally both transformation and translation can be easily determined using the image referencing in the Workpiece page.

  4. In the Advanced tab, enter and select the advanced parameters:

    • Workflow option (optional) - Require effective loosening: loosening is only counted, if the tool had a minimum torque during loosening.

    • Workflow option (optional) - Geometry condition: enables conditional segments in the geometry.

    • Workflow option (optional) - Part Target Id: enables dynamic part target referencing.

    • Referencing (optional) - Reference position 1-3: enter the IDs of up to 3 reference positions for workpiece referencing.
      For more information about referencing strategy, see the paragraph Compensation for Variable Workpiece Location: Referencing Strategy.

    • 2P Referencing Axis: selects the rotation axis, around which the workpiece is rotated. Only used if 2-point referencing is used.

  5. At the lower-right corner of the Group pop-up window, select Save.