Tightening Positions Page
The process configuration of the ILG software gives the tightening parameters of the individual components and the necessary fastener sequences. The process configuration is necessary to define the working methods and tightening tasks. During operations, the working instructions control the individual component tightening connections.
In the ILG standard configuration, the processing is performed in a workflow relying on defined workpiece models. The ILG software starts processing a workpiece when it receives an identifier string corresponding to an identification number configured for a workpiece model. The process ends usually when all the tightening positions configured for the workpiece are completed. Then, put the tool to the home position.
All other actions of the process configuration are performed through the Tightening Positions page.
The buttons at the top of the Tightening Positions page can be used to add new elements or make changes.
Add Group: adds a new group above the currently selected position. To add a group at the bottom, clear the check box related to a selected line in the table.
Add Position: adds a new position.
Edit: opens the editing menu for the selected group or position.
Delete: deletes the selected element.
Teaching: starts the teaching mode where a series of new positions can be re-taught or created through the deactivated tool, and pulling the tool trigger.
Reteach: sets the XYZ values of the selected position depending on the tool physical position.
Reteach Relative: uses the relative position for teaching - for example, with part target.
Cond. Geo. ON: activates the conditional geometry of this element.
Copy: lets the user to copy/duplicate the selected positions into a specified Group.
Paste: lets the user to paste the copied positions into a specified Group.
Up arrow key: moves the item around accordingly.
Down arrow key: moves the item around accordingly.
Left arrow key: moves the item around accordingly.
Right arrow key: moves the item around accordingly.