Handling Tightening Sync Mode Configuration

  • Double-click on a tightening Sync Mode to configure that Sync Mode.





A user defined name for the mode.


Description of the mode.

A tightening Sync Mode can be linked to a loosening Sync Mode. Referencing a loosening sync mode is located in the Properties menu of a tightening Sync Mode

  1. Select the relevant loosening Sync Mode from the Loosening Sync mode drop-down.

    The number of bolt configurations and the channel numbers used in the bolt configurations of the tightening Sync Mode should be the same as the loosening Sync Mode selected and a warning is displayed if they differ.

Reject management

When switch to Off:

Action if failure


End all

  • All channels will end the tightening and report status NOK.

  • The tightening that did not have an error itself will report additional info Terminated by other bolt.

Continue OK

  • The failing channels will end the tightening with status NOK.

  • The remaining channels will continue with the rest of the tightening program.

When switch to On:



Max number of failing steps

Specifies the maximum number of different steps that can fail during the whole tightening. It does not matter if the same step fail more than once, it still only counts as one failing step.
If not set an unlimited number of steps can fail.

Action if exceeded

Specifies the action if Maximum number of failing steps is exceeded.

Action if NOK during repair

Specifies the action if a new error (NOK) is detected while a repair is ongoing.


To view the Sync point table a tightening program with sync points must be selected for at least one bolt in Bolt configuration.

For each synchronization point in the main path of the programs it is possible to specify different triggers to control the reject management.

Add trigger

  1. Click on the + icon next to Add trigger.

  2. Select trigger.

  3. Set action for each sync point.

Delete trigger

  1. Click on the + icon next to Add trigger.

  2. Click on delete icon next to the trigger you want to delete.

Default trigger parameters


Sync point

Sync point in the selected tightening program.

Default failing

Specifies the main action if an error is detected. Is used if none of the other conditions are fulfilled.

Default failing other

This parameter defines the action on the tools not running End or Terminate

Number of repairs parameters



Specifies the maximum number of repairs that can be started from the synchronization point and if not set, an unlimited number of repairs can be made

Repair action

Specifies the action if Maximum number of repairs have been made and a new error occurs

Repair action other

This parameter defines the action on the tools not running End or Terminate

NOK channels parameters


NOK channels

Specifies the maximum number of channels that can fail in the synchronization point. If not set the number of failing channels settings will never be used to decide the action.

NOK channel action

Specifies the action if more than NOK channels have failed in the synchronization point.

NOK channel other

This parameter defines the action on the tools not running End NOK or Terminate NOK.

NOK groups parameters


NOK groups

Specifies the maximum number of groups that can fail in the synchronization point. If not set the number of failing groups settings will never be used to decide the action.

NOK group action

Specifies the action if more than NOK groups have failed in the synchronization point.

NOK group other

This parameter defines the action on the tools not running End NOK or Terminate NOK.

Not repairable Parameters


Not repairable

Specifies the action if the total status in the synchronization point is Not repairable.

NOK repairable other

This parameter defines the action on the tools not running End or Terminate.

Bolt configuration

To add bolt configuration, click ADD or ADD MANY. You can have maximum 64 bolt configurations.



Check box

Used when, for example, deleting a channel.


Number of the channel, also named drive index.

Tightening program

Select tightening program defined in the menu Tightening Program.


The actual fastener that is tightened when a tightening is made. This number will be used as the address when collecting data for the specific bolt, for example, in the fieldbus signal Bolt tightening status.

Bolt name (optional)

Name of the bolt.


The repair groups are used to group bolts that depend on each other when running a repair. One channel can belong to none, one or more repair groups.
If a group is specified for one bolt all the other bolts must also have a repair group defined, otherwise the Sync Mode is considered invalid.