Working with the Sync Mode Tab

Sync Mode is used in conjunction with a Multistep Tightening Program. To run a tightening, a Sync Mode must be created. The Sync Mode specifies the channels to use in the tightening and also the tightening program to be used for each channel. Up to 100 different Sync Modes can be created. If needed, different tightening programs can be used for each channel. The Sync Mode feature allows you to set up a mode for each configuration.

Sync Mode is used to:

  • Define the tools that shall be included in a synchronized tightening or loosening

  • Specify the tightening or the loosening program each tool shall run

  • Handle reject management (valid only for tightening Sync Mode)

  • Configuring the bolt configuration

The Sync Mode allows the different tools in a fixtured solution to run different multistep programs at the same time.

In a flexible production line you may need to use a different Sync Mode for each new product. The Sync Mode feature allows you to set up a mode for each configuration.

Each line represents one Sync Mode. The columns contain the following information:



Check box

Used when, for example, deleting a Sync Mode.


For a tightening Sync Mode each name starts with an index number which is then followed by the user defined name. A loosening Sync Mode contains only an user defined name.


Description of the Sync Mode.


The number of channels in the Sync Mode.

Last changed

Last changes made, expressed in ToolsTalk 2 time.

Changed by

Shows who saved the configuration data.

Controller updated

Time when the controller was updated, expressed in controller time.

Controller updated by

User who last updated the controller.