Overall Status Additional Information
On the multiple level and the overall level for each bolt there is a field called Overall Status Additional Information . The possible parameters for this field are as follows:
Parameter | Comment | Additional information |
No status | No status is set for the tighteningResult | NoStatus = 0 |
Repaired | The total status of the tightening is OK, but at least one error that was repaired occurred during the tightening. | Repaired = 1 |
Terminated By Reject Management | The bolt did not have any errors of its own but was ordered to terminate due to an error on another bolt. | TerminatedByRejectManagement = 2 |
Reject Management Termination Failed | The bolt was ordered to terminate and an error occurred while executing the termination path. | RejectManagementTerminationFailed = 3 |
Stopped | The tightening was ended due to a stop signal from the outside, for example Machine stop sent through fieldbus or if the tool trigger was released. | Stopped = 4 |
Emergency Stopped | The tightening was ended due to emergency stop. | EmergencyStopped = 5 |
Tool Error | The tightening was ended due to a hardware error in the tool. | ToolError = 6 |
Drive Error | The tightening was ended due to a hardware error in the drive. | DriveError = 7 |
Inhibited | The device was not allowed to run, since outside signal blocked it. | Inhibited = 8 |
InvalidPset | The controller has loaded an invalid tightening program. | InvalidPset = 9 |
PreStartCheckFailed | The preStartCheck state of Controller failed, it can be many reasons, such as tool errors, emergencyStop is active and the system received a stop signal and so on. | PreStartCheckFailed = 10 |
Reject Management Repair Failed | The bolt was ordered to repair and an error occurred while executing the repair path. | RejectManagementRepairFailed = 11 |