Tool Calibration

Tool calibration is used to control how well a tool corresponds to a reference transducer.

The calibration value stored in the tool memory is used to adjust the torque value given by the tool’s torque transducer so that the correct torque value is displayed in the user interface. The interface displays the date when the tool was last calibrated.

Preparing the Calibration

Make sure the tool is set up to perform tightening. Set up the tool with a torque reference transducer such as an STa6000, STpad or JSB Bench. Refer to the torque reference transducer’s user guide for set-up instructions.

Choose a tightening program with a target torque corresponding to a tightening normally used with your tool.

The calibration value to use for the tool is calculated from the torque readings from the tool and the torque reference transducer by using the equation below:

New calibration value = Old calibration value × Mean (Reference values / Power Focus values)

Calibrate the tool
  1. Go to Integrated Controller Tool in the home menu and select Virtual Station > Tool > Calibration

  2. Note the old calibration value found in the Calibration value: Main text box.

    A tool with dual transducers will show two calibration values, Main and Secondary. The secondary calibration value is used for the front torque transducer.

  3. Make at least three tightenings and use the torque values read from the tool and the reference transducer (ACTA or similar) for calculating the mean torque values.

  4. Calculate the new calibration value using the New calibration value equation.

  5. If applicable, type a new date in the Next calibration date field.

  6. Store the new calibration value in the tool memory by entering the calculated value in the Calibration value: Main or Calibration value: Secondary text box. Select Apply.

After calibration is completed, perform a tightening to verify that the new values are correct.

To enable the calibration alarm, go to Settings > Alarms > Calibration and set the Calibration alarm to On.