Global Settings Library



Check box

Select the Event configuration template.


Shows the name of the Event configuration template.

Last changed

Last change, expressed in ToolsTalk 2 time.

Changed by

Last changes made by...


Controller software version that is supported by the Event configuration template.

Not an actual column.

The list of configurations can be sorted in rising or falling alphabetical order, numerical order or time order. Click on the table header row to make an arrow visible and click on the arrow to change the current sorting direction. One arrow is shown at a time.

Controller type

Shows which controller type the Event configuration is intended for.

Customer Key

Default value None when creating new Global Event configuration. Value taken from controller’s Iam.CustomerKey when creating Global event configuration from an existing controller.

Settings configuration command buttons





  • New. Creates a new Event configuration template.

  • Import. Import an Event configuration template. File format is *.json


  • Distribute. Global Event configurations can be distributed to controllers that have the same CustomerKey. The list of controllers available for distribution will be pre-filtered by controller type + software version + customer key.

  • Export. Exports a selected Event configuration. File format is *.json

  • Delete. Removes selected Event configuration templates from the list.

  • Import Distributed - In the unlikely event of a ToolsTalk 2 license downgrade, the global distributions are automatically exported. These global distributions can be later imported using the Import Distributed function.

If no previous Event configuration templates exist, the work space area will be empty. Select Add to create a new Event configuration template, or double-click on an existing template to view or edit the parameters.