Global Settings Library - Exporting a Global Event configuration

A Global Event template can be exported and then reused (imported) in another ToolsTalk 2 installation or in a ToolsTalk 2 Station Setup installation.
Select Library
in the left-side menu bar.
Select the Settings
library tab in the upper menu bar in the workspace window.
The workspace shows a list of Global Event configurations.
Select the check box
of the controller template to be exported.
Select Export
A browser window opens for saving the export file.
The default file name is <Configuration>.json, select Save.
The exported file can be given any name with the *.json extension.
Inside the exported *.json file the controller template is given the name from the controller column. When a controller template is imported, the name given to the controller template is taken from this field inside the *.json file, regardless of the file name. This means that an imported controller template may have a different name than the imported file name.

To avoid having controller templates with identical names it is advised to give the template a unique name before exporting and not to change the file name.