Configuring the PIN

  1. Go to the Settings menu, set Use PIN to On.

  2. Select PIN CODES.

Adding PIN Codes for New Users

  1. Select Add in the Pin codes dialog window.

  2. Enter the username in the Name field.

  3. Enter the PIN in the Set PIN field to set the PIN for the user and repeat the same PIN in the Repeat PIN field . The PIN must be a four-digit number in the range 0000–9999.

    The PIN in both fields (Set PIN and Repeat PIN) need to match.

  4. select the Enabled check box to enable the PIN code for that user.

    When PIN is enabled, the controller is locked automatically after the configured inactivity time.

    To disable a PIN, clear the Enabled check box for that user.

Deleting a User/PIN

  • In the list of users, mark the check box for each user PIN to delete and select the Delete button.

Setting Controller User Access

It is possible to configure the enabled PIN code for different functions and features of the controller for a specific user.

  1. Select Edit User Group to configure the PIN code for different features for that user.

    The Set Controller User Access window opens up and the top level sections (in a folder format) contain all the features related to it. Select the downward arrow to expand and see all the features available in that section.

    Read access is by default assigned to all users for all the features and programs.

  2. Select the check box under the Create & Delete column, against the features for which access needs to be provided for the user.

    Create & Delete provides full write access to the user.

    If you select the check box against the top folder, all the features in that folder also get selected. To de-select a specific feature, expand and clear the check box . If all the features in a folder are not selected then the Check box displays a Dash (-) instead of an X mark.

  3. Select Save.

  4. Push changes on the controller to enable the PIN configurations.

If a new user with different permissions is added in the controller GUI, then the new user is also visible in the Pin codes dialog window. Select Edit User Group in order to see or modify the access rights for that user.