YA - Angle from Yield









This monitor measures the peak angle reached from the yield point and checks that the peak angle is within the limit.



Gradient Angle Window

Specifies Angle Window:

  • For Hard Joint: Angle Window = 1 deg.

  • For Soft Joint: Angle Window = 20 deg.

  • Manual: Manually set Angle Window.

Angle Window

Available when Gradient Angle Window is set to Manual. Must be > 0 and <= 100.

Yield Point Percentage

Must be >= 20 %

Trigger Torque

The angle measurement starts at this trigger. Must be > 0 and < Tool MaxTorque.


Frequency in which the gradient is being calculated. Must be > 0 and < 100 and < Angle window.

Low Limit

Lowest acceptable angle. Must be >= 0

High Limit

Highest acceptable angle. Must be > 0

Torque Filter Type

The type of the filter:

  • None: No filtering of the torque is used. The raw values are used as-is in the gradient calculation.

  • Five-point: The torque value used in the calculation are filtered using a sliding average filter over 5 torque samples.

  • Low pass: The torque values is filtered with a simple discrete Infinite Impulse Response filter.

  • Sliding Average: The torque values used in the calculation are filtered using a sliding average filter over a Number of Samples specified by the use.

Cut-off Frequency

Needs to be specified when Torque Filter Type is set to Low pass:

  • 20 Hz

  • 40 Hz

  • 90 Hz

  • 200 Hz

  • 600 Hz

Number of Samples

Needs to be specified when Torque Filter Type is set to Sliding Average:

  • 2

  • 4

  • 6

  • 8

  • 16

  • 32