Tightening Steps

This section lists the tightening steps that are valid for the PF6000 and PF6 StepSync Controllers.

General Parameters


It is possible to rename each step, if needed.

Rotational direction

Each of the tightening steps can run either forward, that is to make a tightening, or reverse, to loosen the screw slightly. The arrows indicate this direction. Many of the tightening steps have a direction hard-coded to forward, for example Tighten to Angle, or Tighten to Torque. Steps such as Loosen to Angle or Loosen to Torque have their direction automatically set to reverse.

Step category

For each step, there is an option to choose a step category. By selecting step category, the NOK tightenings will be listed in the event result view with related detailed status together with the corresponding multistep error information. If no selection is made, the detailed status will be set to "uncategorized multistep error". The related detailed status can be customized.

Angle window

A joint is considered Hard if the screw is tightened to its full torque and it rotates 30 degrees (or less) after it has been tightened to its snug point. A Soft joint rotates 720 degrees or more after it has been tightened to its snug point. The hardness parameter defines the Angle Window for the gradient calculation. The harder the joint - the smaller the angle window.

Speed Ramp / Acceleration

For most of the steps it is possible to specify how the acceleration to the target speed should be achieved. Three different settings are possible; Hard, Soft and Manual. The acceleration defined will be used whenever a step is started. Regardless whether the tool is already running with speed at the beginning of the step, the ramp will be used to accelerate to the target speed of the step. This will be the case even if the speed at the start of the step is higher, or lower than the target speed.

Speed ramp - Hard and Soft mode:


Speed ramp used


2000 rpm/s (Speed Ramp between 1000 and 10000 rpm/s is a Hard acceleration.)


500 rpm/s (Speed Ramp between 200 and 1000 rpm/s is a Soft acceleration.)

Speed ramp - Manual mode:


Default value

Minimum limit

Maximum limit


60 rpm

Must be > 0

Must be <= Tool Max Speed


500 rpm/s

Must be > 0

Must be <= Tool Max Acceleration

Using speed shifts

You can define 1-5 angle triggers or torque triggers during a step, where the speed will shift.

Within one step, all the speed shift triggers are based on the same property, that is either torque or angle. They cannot be mixed within one step.

To add a speed shift:

  1. In the Configuration area of a step that can have speed shifts, click Add speed shift and choose an angle range or a torque range. The Speed Shift Angle/Torque fields open.

  2. Add values according to the table below.



Angle/Torque trigger

Must be > 0.


Must be > 0.

Speed ramp type

Hard or soft.

The Torque triggers and Angle triggers must be less than the step target, depending on the type of the step and the trigger type.

The Torque trigger and Torque speed also validate against the Max torque and Max speed of the tool. A warning or error indicator occurs whenever the Speed Shift settings exceed either the tool max values, or step max values.

It is possible to push the settings to the controller when a tightening program has a warning, but not when a tightening program has an error (fault) indicator.

Controlling braking behavior (Ergo stop/Inertia)

The braking behavior of a Multistep tightening program can be controlled at two possible locations in the program: in a step preceding a reversal of direction of the tightening, and/or at the final step of the tightening program. At other locations in the Multistep program, the braking parameters will not be available in the step's general settings. Braking can be set to either Ergo stop or Inertia. Inertia will brake the tool completely, while Ergo stop will allow for a more ergonomic slowing down of the tightening.

To set the type of braking, go into the settings for the step, and set the Brake configuration dropdown to Ergo stop or Inertia. Inertia has no additional parameters.

Ergo stop parameters



Adaptive brake

Set the Adaptive Brake to On or Off

Ramp time

Only available when Adaptive Brake is set to Off. Insert time in ms.

List of individual steps

C - Clutch

This step will run the tool with the programmed Speed in forward direction until the Clutch has been released. When the tool has reported the release of the Clutch the step will finish with OK status.

A tightening program using the Clutch step cannot have any other step assigned.

This step is only valid for the Clutch tools BCV-RE and BCP-RE.



Speed Control

One Speed or Two Speed

Final Speed

Sets the final speed of the program [rpm]

Speed Ramp

Switch where speed ramp can be chosen [Hard, Soft]


Rehit detection set to On or Off

Rehit angle

Sets the rehit angle [°]

CL - Clutch Loosening

This step will run the tool with the programmed speed in reverse direction until the tool trigger is released.

A loosening program using the Clutch step can't have any other step assigned.

This step is only valid for the Clutch tools BCV-RE and BCP-RE.




Sets the speed of the program [rpm]

W – Wait

In this step the tool waits the specified amount of time. The tool does not rotate while waiting, but Hold condition can be specified.



Wait Time

Number of seconds the tool will stand still.

Hold Condition

  • No hold: The tool is waiting without running.

  • Hold torque: While waiting the tool strives to hold the torque it had when entering the step.

  • Hold position: While waiting the tool strives to hold the position it had when entering the step.

SR - Socket Release

This step runs the tool with speed n in the backward direction until the target angle is reached. The target angle is measured from the start of the step.

This step is only allowed to use as the last step in the tightening path of a multistep tightening program. However, it is possible to add a sync point after this step.



Target angle

The angle target.

Default: 3º , must be > 0

Speed ramp type

Hard, soft, or manual. Default: Hard. If you select Manual, the Speed ramp field opens.

Speed ramp

If Speed ramp type is Manual, this field opens. Default: 500 rpm/s.


Default: 60 rpm.

DI – Run Until Digital Input

This steps runs the tool, in the direction defined by parameter Direction, until the input specified by Digital Input goes high or low depending on the value of Stop Condition.

This step is not available for STB tools.




Forward, or Backward

Digital Input

One of the following local digital inputs on the controller can be selected:

  • Local DI 1

  • Local DI 2

  • Local DI 3

  • Local DI 4


(Only valid for PF6 Flex and PF6 Stepsync controllers).

If On the tool will be stopped when the target is reached.

If Off the program goes directly to the next step without stopping the tool.

Stop Condition

  • Falling edge: The steps runs until a falling edge is detected after step start.

  • Rising edge: The steps runs until a rising edge is detected after step start.

  • Any edge: The step runs until a falling or a rising edge is detected after step start.

  • Low: The step runs until low value is detected.

  • High: The step runs until high value is detected.

Speed (rpm)

Default: 60 rpm.

Speed ramp type

Hard, soft, or manual. Default: Hard. If you select Manual, the Speed ramp field opens.

Speed ramp

Available if Speed ramp type is Manual. Default: 500 rpm/s.

A – Tighten to Angle / Loosen to Angle

A – Tighten to Angle

This step runs the tool until the target angle is reached. The target angle is measured from the start of the step.

A – Loosen to Angle

This step runs the tool with the speed n in the backward direction until the angle target is reached. The target angle is measured from the start of the step.




Target angle

The angle target. Must be > 0.


Default: 60 rpm.

Speed ramp type

Hard, soft, or manual. Default: Hard. If you select Manual, the Speed ramp field opens.

Speed ramp

If Speed ramp type is Manual, this field opens. Default: 500 rpm/s.


(Only valid for PF6 Flex and PF6 Stepsync controllers).

If On the tool will be stopped when the target is reached.

If Off the program goes directly to the next step without stopping the tool.

TrR – Loosen to Trigger Release

This step is valid only for the PF6000 controller.

This step runs in the backward direction until the tool trigger is released (loosen). It can only be used as a last step in a program.

For STB tools, this step is only applicable for loosening programs.




Numerical value for rotation speed; in rpm.

Speed Ramp Type

List of options where speed ramp can be chosen [Hard, Soft, Manual]

TTTR – Tighten to Trigger Release

This step runs until the tool trigger is released (tighten). It can only be used as a last step in a tightening program.




Numerical value for rotation speed; in rpm.

Speed Ramp Type

List of options where speed ramp can be chosen [Hard, Soft, Manual]

Tighten to yield, method 2 (YM2)

This step is valid only for the PF6 Stepsync controller and not valid for PF6000 controller.

This step runs the tool with the specified speed in the forward direction until the yield point is detected.

Search for the yield point starts when the torque has reached Tt. The average of the torque over Af degrees is calculated. This procedure is repeated N rs times.

A reference slope is calculated with linear regression over the N rs points. After that, new average values are continuously calculated over A f degrees.

The actual slope is calculated with linear regression over the last N s average points. The yield point is reached when the slope is less than Py % of the reference slope.



Target torque

Must be > 0.

Filter angle

Default: 1. Must be > 0.

Number of samples

Default: 6. Must be >=4.

Number pf samples, reference

Default: 6. Must be >=4.

Yield point percentage

Default: 90%. Must be >20%.


Default: 60 rpm. Must be > 0.

Speed ramp type

Hard, soft, or manual. Default: Hard. If you select Manual, the Speed ramp field opens.

Speed ramp

If Speed ramp type is Manual, this field opens. Default: 500 rpm/s.


(Only valid for PF6 Flex and PF6 Stepsync controllers).

If On the tool will be stopped when the target is reached.

If Off the program goes directly to the next step without stopping the tool.

T - Tighten to Torque / Loosen to Torque

T – Tighten to Torque

This step runs the tool with the programmed speed in forward direction until the target torque is reached.



Target torque

The torque target. Must be > 0.

Speed ramp type

Hard, soft, or manual. Default: Hard. If you select Manual, the Speed ramp field opens.


Default: 60 rpm. Must be > 0.

Speed ramp

If Speed ramp type is Manual, this field opens. Default: 500 rpm/s.


(Only valid for PF6 Flex and PF6 Stepsync controllers).

If On the tool will be stopped when the target is reached.

If Off the program goes directly to the next step without stopping the tool.

T – Loosen to Torque

This step runs the tool with the speed in the backward direction. For the step to be active, the torque must first exceed 110 % of the Target torque. The Target torque should be set to a positive value. After reaching the target torque, the step runs until the torque drops below the target torque.



Target torque

The torque target. Must be > 0.

Speed ramp type

Hard, soft, or manual. Default: Hard. If you select Manual, the Speed ramp field opens.


Default: 60 rpm. Must be > 0.

Speed ramp

If Speed ramp type is Manual, this field opens. Default: 500 rpm/s.


(Only valid for PF6 Flex and PF6 Stepsync controllers).

If On the tool will be stopped when the target is reached.

If Off the program goes directly to the next step without stopping the tool.

T+A – Tighten to Torque Plus Angle

This step runs the tool until the target torque is reached. From this point it continues to run an additional target angle.



Target torque

The torque target. Must be > 0.

Target angle

The angle target. Must be > 0.

Speed ramp type

Hard, soft, or manual. Default: Hard. If you select Manual, the Speed ramp field opens.

Speed ramp

If Speed ramp type is Manual, this field opens. Default: 500 rpm/s.


Default: 60 rpm.


(Only valid for PF6 Flex and PF6 Stepsync controllers).

If On the tool will be stopped when the target is reached.

If Off the program goes directly to the next step without stopping the tool.

T|A – Tighten to Torque or Angle

This step runs the tool with the speed n in the forward direction until the first of either torque target or angle target is reached. The torque and angle measurements start at the beginning of the step.



Target torque

Must be > 0.

Target angle

Must be > 0.


Default: 60 rpm. Must be > 0.

Speed ramp type

Hard, soft, or manual. Default: Hard. If you select Manual, the Speed ramp field opens.

Speed ramp

If Speed ramp type is Manual, this field opens. Default: 500 rpm/s.


(Only valid for PF6 Flex and PF6 Stepsync controllers).

If On the tool will be stopped when the target is reached.

If Off the program goes directly to the next step without stopping the tool.

T&A – Tighten to Torque and Angle

The tool runs until with the specified speed in the forward direction until both target torque and target angle are reached. The target torque and the target angle must be set to > 0.



Target torque

Must be > 0.

Target angle

Default: 0. Must be > 0.


Default: 60 rpm. Must be > 0.

Speed ramp type

Hard, soft, or manual. Default: Hard. If you select Manual, the Speed ramp field opens.


(Only valid for PF6 Flex and PF6 Stepsync controllers).

If On the tool will be stopped when the target is reached.

If Off the program goes directly to the next step without stopping the tool.

DT – Tighten to DynaTork

This step runs the tool with speed n in the forward direction until the Target torque is reached. The tool will then hold the current constant at the DynaTork Percentage of Target torque during the DynaTork time.

To avoid overheating of the tool, it is strongly recommended to never run DynaTork to more than 40% of the maximum torque of the tool.



Target torque

The torque target. Must be > 0.

DynaTork Time

The time DynaTork will be active.

DynaTork Percentage

The percentage of Torque target.

Speed ramp type

Hard, soft, or manual. Default: Hard. If you select Manual, the Speed ramp field opens.

Speed ramp

If Speed ramp type is Manual, this field opens. Default: 500 rpm/s.

Speed (rpm)

Default: 60 rpm.


(Only valid for PF6 Flex and PF6 Stepsync controllers).

If On the tool will be stopped when the target is reached.

If Off the program goes directly to the next step without stopping the tool.

Y – Tighten to Yield

This step is not available for STB tools.

This strategy runs the tool with the speed in the forward direction until the yield point is detected. The yield point is found by monitoring the torque gradient from the point where the torque goes above the Trigger Torque level, calculated based on Torque and Angle distance measurements. The Angle distance parameter is set according to the specified hardness of the joint.

Set the Gradient angle window (for hard joint, for soft joint or for manually setting of the Angle window). If Manual is selected, the Angle Window must be set. A joint is considered Hard if the screw is tightened to its full torque and it rotates 30 degrees or less after it has been tightened to its snug point. A Soft joint rotates 720 degrees or more after it has been tightened to its snug point. The hardness parameter defines the Angle Window for the gradient calculation. The harder the joint - the smaller the angle window.



Gradient Angle Window

Specifies Angle Window:

  • For Hard Joint: Angle Window = 20.

  • For Soft Joint: Angle Window = 1.

  • Manual: Manually set Angle Window.

Angle Window

Available when Gradient Angle Window is set to Manual. Must be > 0 and <= 100.

Trigger Torque

The angle measurement starts at this trigger. Must be >= 0 and < Tool MaxTorque.


Frequency in which the gradient is being calculated. Must be > 0 and < 100 and < Angle window.

Yield Point Percentage

Must be >= 20 %


Default: 60 rpm. Must be > 0.

Speed ramp type

Hard, soft, or manual. Default: Hard. If you select Manual, the Speed ramp field opens.

Torque Filter Type

The type of the filter:

  • None: No filtering of the torque is used. The raw values are used as-is in the gradient calculation.

  • Five-point: The torque value used in the calculation are filtered using a sliding average filter over 5 torque samples.

  • Low pass: The torque values is filtered with a simple discrete Infinite Impulse Response filter.

  • Sliding Average: The torque values used in the calculation are filtered using a sliding average filter over a Number of Samples specified by the use.

Cut-off Frequency

Needs to be specified when Torque Filter Type is set to Low pass:

  • 20 Hz

  • 40 Hz

  • 90 Hz

  • 200 Hz

  • 600 Hz

Number of Samples

Needs to be specified when Torque Filter Type is set to Sliding Average:

  • 2

  • 4

  • 6

  • 8

  • 16

  • 32


(Only valid for PF6 Flex and PF6 Stepsync controllers).

If On the tool will be stopped when the target is reached.

If Off the program goes directly to the next step without stopping the tool.

ThCT – Thread Cutting to Torque

The Thread Cutting to Torque function enables tightening where the Rundown torque required is greater than the Rundown complete torque, for example when tightening thin layers of metal using self-threading (or selftapping) screws. The tool runs in forward direction until the Thread Cutting Angle (Aw) is reached. The thread cutting angle window is measured from when the torque passes Thread Cut Trigger Torque (Ttc) for the first time. From the point where Thread cutting angle is reached, the step continues to run until the Target Torque (Tt) is reached.



Target torque

Must be > 0.

Thread Cutting Angle Window

Default: 0. Must be > 0.

Trigger Torque

The angle measurement starts at this trigger.


Default: 60 rpm. Must be > 0.

Speed ramp type

Hard, soft, or manual. Default: Hard. If you select Manual, the Speed ramp field opens.


(Only valid for PF6 Flex and PF6 Stepsync controllers).

If On the tool will be stopped when the target is reached.

If Off the program goes directly to the next step without stopping the tool.

RD – Rundown

This step is not available for STB tools.

Rundown step is the part of the tightening from when the screw enters the thread until just before the screw head touches the underlying surface and snug point is reached. The torque required during rundown does not contribute to any clamping force.

This step runs the tool with the speed in the forward direction, and depending on the Rundown Type, Torque or Snug the step behavior is as follows:

Rundown Type: To Torque: The step stops when the specified target torque is found.

Rundown Type: To Snug: The snug gradient calculation starts at the specified torque trigger level Tt. If no torque trigger is set the gradient calculation is started at the start of the step.

The slope calculation is made between two angle points Ad degrees apart and is calculated as: (Tn – Tn-1) / (An – An-1) and as soon as two slopes after each other are larger than TSLOPE the snug point is found.



Rundown type

To Torque or To Snug.

Target torque

Default: "not set". Must be > 0.


Default: 60 rpm. Must be > 0.

Speed ramp type

Hard, soft, or manual. Default: Hard. If you select Manual, the Speed ramp field opens.

Speed ramp

If Speed ramp type is Manual, this field opens. Default: 500 rpm/s.

Trigger Torque

If Rundown type is To Snug, the Trigger torque field is displayed.

Default: "not set". Must be > 0.

Delta Angle

If Rundown type is To Snug, the Delta angle field is displayed.

Default: "0". Must be > 0.

Torque Rate

If Rundown type is To Snug, the Torque rate field is displayed.

Default: "0". Must be > 0.


(Only valid for PF6 Flex and PF6 Stepsync controllers).

If On the tool will be stopped when the target is reached.

If Off the program goes directly to the next step without stopping the tool.

Engage (E)

This step is not available for STB tools.

This step runs the tool in both directions until the socket engages the screw. The step continues until Target torque or Target angle is reached, provided that Continue if not Engaged is set to Yes. If Target Angle is reached in any direction, the direction is reversed. Limit the search iterations by entering Max Engage Attempts. If Target Torque is reached in any direction the step will finish with OK status.

Ext - External Result

External result is a strategy used when an OK tightening is indicated by an external digital signal (and not by torque or angle values measured during tightening). This external signal can be provided through any means that can provide a digital signal into the Power Focus 6000 (e.g through the I/O bus).

When the signal is sent, the result view (logged data) will show the value of the Target parameter provided in the tightening program (specified torque value, angle value, or text string). These (torque and angle) values do not represent actual measured values, but only inserted text.



Torque <Target torque>

Numerical value for desired displayed target torque value. A signal could for example come from a Click Wrench and display <Target torque>.

Angle <Target angle>

Numerical value for desired displayed target angle value. A signal could for example come from a Click Wrench and display <Target angle>.


Alphanumerical string for desired displayed text. For example: "Oil has been changed".

MWR - Mechatronic Wrench

Mechatronic Wrench is a specialized step that can be used only in conjunction with the Mechatronic Wrench (MWR).

This step cannot be used in combination with other steps. No restrictions can be used with this step. By default, the step has three monitors: Peak Torque, Angle, and Click.



Loosening limit

Numerical value for negative torque (i.e. torque in the loosening direction) at which point the tightening result is marked as NOK (False direction of tightening (loosen)); in Nm.

Tool Size

Numerical value for the specific length of the end fitting tool installed on the MWR-TA; in mm.

Tool Bend

Numerical value for the end fitting tool installed on the MWR-TA; in °/Nm.

Rehit Angle Window

Numerical value for the angle for determining if the screw was already tightened if the torque is reached; in °.

Max Angular Rate

Numerical value for the max rate at which the screw can be tightened; in °/s.

WP - Wrench Production

Strategy used for the quality test of the tightening performed with an STwrench.



Control Strategy

The Wrench Production step type can be configured with the following control strategies.

  • Torque: This strategy guides the operator is reaching the desired target torque.

  • Angle: This strategy guides the operator is reaching the desired target angle.

  • Torque or Angle: This strategy guides the operator is reaching the desired target angle or desired target torque.

  • Torque and Angle: This strategy guides the operator in tightening a bolt until both the target torque and angle have been reached.

  • Yield Point: With this strategy, the STWrench detects the yield point automatically. The torque limits specify the range in which the result is OK. Target angle specifies how far beyond the yield point the user may tighten.

  • Loose: This strategy is used to loosen a tightened screw.

  • PVT compensate with snug: This strategy guides the operator in reaching the desired target torque for joints with prevailing torque, when the prevailing torque level is higher than the final target.

Based on the control strategy selected, a combination of some of the parameters listed below will be displayed.



Target Torque

Defines the target torque for tightening step.

Measure torque at

Specifies where the torque will be measured.

Choose between Peak torque or Peak angle.

  • Peak torque: The torque value will be set to the peak torque value.

  • Peak Angle : The torque value will be set to the torque measured at the peak angle.

Angle search limit

This is an offset that is used to the set the torque result value for a tightening. Measure torque at must be set to Peak Angle for this parameter to be available.

Ratchet time

Numerical value for ratchet time which is by default 5000 ms. This allows the operator to release the torque for a while and recharge during the tightening operation.

If the Ratchet time is exceeded the result of the tightening is marked as NOK with the reason "Tightening timeout".

End cycle time

Numerical value in ms to indicate the end cycle time. Applied when torque goes below the rundown complete

Torque correction coefficient

The parameter is used to correct the torque reading when using an extension or torque multiplier on the wrench. Default value is 1.

Angle correction

The parameter is used to correct the angle reading when using an extension or torque multiplier on the wrench. Default value is 0.

Target Angle

Defines the target angle for tightening step.

Rehit detection

On or Off. Rehit detection can be used to determine when a tightening is a rehit based on the angle limit setting. Angle limit for rehit is enabled if Rehit direction is set to On.

Linear slope coefficient

Linear slope coefficient characterizes the joint stiffness in the linear part of the curve, as torque/angle slope in the Nm/Deg measurement unit.

Compensate value

Choose between Average torque and Peak torque. The Compensate value specifies how the PVT will be calculated.

Average torque - The PVT will be based on an average calculated using the following:

  • Delay monitoring

  • PVT interval

  • PVT distance

  • Prevailing torque min

  • Prevailing torque max

Peak torque - The PVT will be based on the peak value measured before snug was detected.

Delay monitoring

PVT calculation will not start before this window has been passed, starts at tightening start.

PVT interval

Sets how many degrees the PVT window shall be calculated for, start from the PVT distance point.

PVT distance

Sets how many degrees prior to snug the system shall start the PVT window.

Prevailing torque min

Prevailing torque minimum limit.

Prevailing torque max

Prevailing torque maximum limit

WQ - Wrench Quality

Strategy used for quality test of tightenings with an STwrench.



Control Strategy

The Wrench Quality strategy can be configured with the following control strategies.

  • Residual Torque/Time: This strategy analyzes the torque trace as a function of time. The operator shall execute this operation with a single, steady, movement. The wrench automatically recognizes the breakaway and residual point.

  • Residual Torque/Angle: This strategy evaluates the residual torque on a joint, looking for the residual point of the Torque/Angle trace.

  • Residual Torque/Peak: This strategy evaluates the residual torque on a joint as the peak torque necessary to rotate the bolt further.

  • Loose and Retighten: This strategy loosens a bolt and retightens it back to its original position

  • Yield Point: With this strategy the wrench detects the yield point automatically. Target Angle specifies how far beyond the yield point the user may tighten.

Based on the control strategy selected, a combination of some of the parameters listed below will be displayed.



Ratchet time

Numerical value for ratchet time which is by default 5000 ms. This allows the operator to release the torque for a while and recharge during the tightening operation.

If the Ratchet time is exceeded the result of the tightening is marked as NOK with the reason "Tightening timeout".

Torque correction coefficient

The parameter is used to correct the torque reading when using an extension or torque multiplier on the wrench. Default value is 1.

Angle correction

The parameter is used to correct the angle reading when using an extension or torque multiplier on the wrench. Default value is 0.

Target Angle

Defines the target angle for tightening step.

Rehit detection

On or Off. Rehit detection can be used to determine when a tightening is a rehit based on the angle limit setting. Angle limit for rehit is enabled if Rehit direction is set to On.

Linear slope coefficient

Linear slope coefficient characterizes the joint stiffness in the linear part of the curve, as torque/angle slope in the Nm/Deg measurement unit.

TP - Tensor Pulse

Before using Tensor Pulse tightening step, it is mandatory that the following license type is installed on the controller:

  • Low Reaction Strategies

Tensor Pulse is valid only for the following tools: ETV-STR61-100-13, ETV-STR61-70-13, ETV-STR61-50-10.

This step generates tightening pulses in the forward direction, until the torque target is reached.



Torque Target - Ts

Torque Target must range from 0 through the maximum torque of the tool.

Pulse Energy - Pe

Pulse Energy is used to control the amount of energy/current in each pulse.

Pulse Energy must range from 0 through 100 %.
By default, it is set to 100%.

Reaction Force Tuning Factor

Reaction force tuning factor is used to tune the reaction force when running Tensor Pulse step.
High tuning factor results in high reaction force and high pulse frequency; low tuning factor results in low reaction force and low pulse frequency.

Reaction force tuning factor must range from 0 through 100 %.
By default, it is set to 40%.