Tightening Strategies

By selecting the tightening strategy it is possible to choose the method for applying clamping force (or preload) to the joint. Different joints require different strategies for how to apply the desired clamping force and to minimize unwanted in-service effects.

The tightening strategies require a target which is either a Target torque or a Target angle value and the selection options depend on the strategy and on the tool. All other parameters can be configured to optimize the tightening.



Default value


Available tightening strategies.

TurboTight: No additional tightening behaviour is used as default. Only target values are used.

Quick step: Adds an initial tightening step to reduce preload scatter.

Two step: Adds a pause between the first and final tightening step to further counteract short-term relaxation effects.

Three step: Tightens to a defined First torque value, then loosens the screw and immediately re-tightens it to Target torque.

Rotate: Rotates the spindle a specified speed and angle.

Wrench - production: Tightening strategy used only for the STwrench tool.

Wrench - quality: Tightening strategy used only for the STwrench tool.

TensorPulse: Tightening strategy used for a tool with pulsing capability. A pulsing tool can produce higher target torque. Has only the option to have a target torque

Impulse - single step: Tightening strategy used for a tool with pulsing capability. A pulsing tool can produce higher target torque. Has only the option to have a target torque


Target type

Defines the type of the target value in the final step.

Target torque: The tightening aims towards the specified target value when performing the final step.

Target angle: The tightening aims towards the specified target value when performing the final step.


Target torque

Defines the target torque of the tightening of the final step.


Target angle

Defines the target angle of the tightening of the final step.


Controller features, such as the Low Reaction Tightening Strategies and controller-wide functions among others, require licenses distributed through the Functionality Management System (FMS). Whereas configuration of features is possible without specific licenses, the assignment and use of those features will require the correct license to be installed on the controller. Please refer to Licenses (FMS) for more detailed information on licenses.