Working with Push Configuration Changes

ToolsTalk 2 contains mirrored data per each controller that is connected to the ToolsTalk 2 server. Data is automatically copied from the controller to ToolsTalk 2 at first connection, at reconnecting or at any configuration made in the controller or in the web interface.

Data from ToolsTalk 2 to the controller is not sent automatically. The operator must push data to the controller for the changes to apply.

A controller that is offline can have its configuration settings or parameter values changed by the ToolsTalk 2 application, the data is then stored and can be pushed later.

If any configuration settings are changed in ToolsTalk 2, the Push indicator appears next to the controller name in the structure listing and also next to the tightening programs that have been changed.

  • Configurations can be made in the ToolsTalk 2 interface regardless whether the controller is online or offline.

  • Configurations can only be pushed to a controller in online state. If the controller is offline, the command is ignored.

  • A push can be made to multiple controllers simultaneously.

  • As soon as the Push command is successfully executed, the indicator disappears.

When the Push indicator is shown, the push marked items are blocked from being changed through the controller or web interface.