Synchronized Tightening

Controller features, such as the Low Reaction Tightening Strategies and controller-wide functions among others, require licenses distributed through the Functionality Management System (FMS). Whereas configuration of features is possible without specific licenses, the assignment and use of those features will require the correct license to be installed on the controller. Please refer to Licenses (FMS) for more detailed information on licenses.

Synchronized tightening can only be configured through ToolsTalk 2.
Synchronized tightening makes it possible to connect several Power Focus 6000 controllers and run synchronized tightenings. The first controller in the configuration is called the Sync Reference and handles all the tightening and data reporting. Up to 5 additional Power Focus 6000 controllers are then connected to the Sync Reference via a Power Focus 6000 daisy-chain cable (see Setting up synchronized tightening (hardware) and are called Sync Members, their only function is to handle the tools.
Sync Reference
The Sync Reference controller is the brain in the system. It handles the tightening settings and all data reporting. It also handles the configuration for the complete system and the connection to ToolsTalk and ToolsNet. All accessories or fieldbuses are connected directly to the Sync Reference.
Sync Member
The Sync Member controller works as a drive without extra functionality. The IT part is not running and it is not possible to connect any external accessories or protocols to a Sync Member. Each Sync Member has a channel number assigned to it (2-64). The channel number is used to identify the tool and drive within the Hardware Layout Configuration in ToolsTalk 2, as well as to select the ones that should be included in the tightening in Sync Mode, and also used for result reporting. It is also used for error events to make it possible to identify the faulty part.
It is only possible to run Multistep tightening programs. To be able to synchronize tightenings between each tool, synchronization points are used. At these points, the tools will wait for each other before continuing with the next step in the tightening program. A tightening program can contain up to 25 steps (not counting the synchronization points). No repair or termination paths are allowed. Note that the assignment of tightening programs can only take place through ToolsTalk 2. The controller does not provide possibilities to assign tightening programs.
Synchronized tightening is an FMS feature. It is only the Sync Reference that requires a license, making it possible to change any Power Focus 6000 controller into a Sync Member without any additional licenses. The Sync Reference license is an add-on FMS controller feature.

If the Sync Reference license is removed, no tightenings can be performed in synchronized tightening mode. If connection to the license server is lost, the license will continue to operate for 48 hours. The controller will check for a valid Sync Reference license every hour.