WQ - Wrench Quality



Strategy used for the quality test of the tightening performed with the STwrench.



Control Strategy

The Wrench Quality strategy can be configured with the following control strategies.

  • Residual Torque/Time: This strategy analyzes the torque trace as a function of time. The operator shall execute this operation with a single, steady, movement. The wrench automatically recognizes the breakaway and residual point.

  • Residual Torque/Angle: This strategy evaluates the residual torque on a joint, looking for the residual point of the Torque/Angle trace.

  • Residual Torque/Peak: This strategy evaluates the residual torque on a joint as the peak torque necessary to rotate the bolt further.

  • Loose and Retighten: This strategy loosens a bolt and retightens it back to its original position

  • Yield Point: With this strategy the wrench detects the yield point automatically. Target Angle specifies how far beyond the yield point the user may tighten.

Based on the control strategy selected, a combination of some of the parameters listed below will be displayed.



Ratchet time

Numerical value for ratchet time which is by default 5000 ms. This allows the operator to release the torque for a while and recharge during the tightening operation.

If the Ratchet time is exceeded the result of the tightening is marked as NOK with the reason "Tightening timeout".

Torque correction coefficient

The parameter is used to correct the torque reading when using an extension or torque multiplier on the wrench. Default value is 1.

Angle correction

The parameter is used to correct the angle reading when using an extension or torque multiplier on the wrench. Default value is 0.

Target Angle

Defines the target angle for tightening step.

Rehit detection

On or Off. Rehit detection can be used to determine when a tightening is a rehit based on the angle limit setting. Angle limit for rehit is enabled if Rehit direction is set to On.

Linear slope coefficient

Linear slope coefficient characterizes the joint stiffness in the linear part of the curve, as torque/angle slope in the Nm/Deg measurement unit.