ToolsControl Console
ToolsControl Console allows users to connect to ToolsControl without access to ToolsControl Portal. ToolsControl Console can be used to perform a small number of tasks that are detailed later on this page. If ToolsControl Portal is unavailable, log in to ToolsControl Console on the bare-metal machine or virtual machine on which ToolsControl is installed.
Keyboard Actions
Use the following keyboard keys in ToolsControl Console:
Key | Description |
Arrow | Go from one selection to another |
Enter | Make a selection |
Escape | Go back |
These menus and options are available in ToolsControl Console:
This view displays a description of options that are available in ToolsControl Console. The web address to ToolsControl Portal is displayed.
If a security key was entered during the installation of ToolsControl, the user must enter the security key to access the Administration section. A different security key can be entered per node. A security key cannot be entered or changed in ToolsControl Portal.
If ToolsControl is upgraded from a version earlier than 1.6, security keys are not in use. In this case, go to Administration to enter a security key that will be used from now on to access the Administration section.
Remove Node
This option allows the removal of cluster nodes. A node must be turned off to be removed.
Any node can be removed, except for the node through which the user is logged in to ToolsControl Console. To remove a node, log in to ToolsControl Console on another node and remove the requested node.
When a node is removed, it is permanently deleted. The removal of a node cannot be undone.
Enable or Disable Service Account
The service account can be used by Atlas Copco employees to perform service. By default, the service account is disabled.
If the option reads Enable service account, the service account is currently disabled. Select Enable service account and confirm the action to enable the service account.
If the option reads Disable service account, the service account is currently enabled. Select Disable service account and confirm the action to enable the service account.