Exporting and Importing
The export/import function is used to export the events and tightening results accessible in the Results menu for analysis in external programs, as well as allowing transfer of tightening program, batch, and controller configurations between controllers.
The command Export/Import can be used for the following reasons:
Exporting tightening results and events for further processing.
Exporting log files for debug assistance from an Atlas Copco service engineer.
Exporting the entire controller configuration that can be used to copy the configuration to another controller.
Comparing two exported configurations to see differences.
Importing controller configurations.
Select theSystem administration tab
Go to Controller software and data management
Select the check box
of the controller. It is only possible to export a controller configuration if the controller is online.
Select Export/Import to export one of the following:
Exports all controller information.
The exported file will have a file name and extension that looks like <Filename>.tar.gz.
Export Configuration...
Exports settings and configurations.
The exported file will have a file name and extension that looks like <Filename>.tar.gz.
Export program to csv
Exports programs of each controller. (not available for multistep programs)
There will be one file for each controller. The exported file will have a file name and extension that looks like <Filename>.csv.
Export Tool Log
Exports logs (tightenings and hardware information) from connected tools. Available for SRB, TBP and STB.
The export consists of atlas_tool_i.zip and ExportInfo.txt
Select the location for saving the export file, select OK.
The filename consists of one part to identify the controller and of one part which is a time stamp.
Importing a controller configuration
The purpose of the Import command is to copy a controller setting and to reuse a previously exported source file and shall have a file name and extension that looks like <Filename>.tar.gz.
Select System administration
in the left-side menu bar.
Select Controller software and data management
in the upper menu bar in the workspace window.
Select the check box
of the controller. It is only possible to import to a controller configuration if the controller is online.
Select Export/Import.
The Import to selected dialog window opens.
Select Open file and browse to the selected file.
Select the file and select Open.
The file path is shown and the Import button is active. Select Import.
After restarting, the imported file is now in use with a new configuration setting.

A file import does not change the program of the controller. It changes every setting and configuration except the factory IP address.