Tightening Program History

ToolsTalk 2 keeps track of the last ten changes that have been made to a tightening program and pushed to the controller:

  • A printed report with all original tightening program parameter settings and the changes made.

  • A printed report with all current tightening program parameter settings.

  • A list of revision history for the tightening program. It is possible to quickly change to a previously tightening program parameter setting by selecting the desired version and clicking the Replace command button.

The revision history is created when a Push command is executed and the controller is updated from ToolsTalk 2.

  1. Select a controller in the Plant structure workspace .

  2. Select the Tightening program icon .

  3. Double-click on a tightening program in order to open the tightening program configuration workspace.

  4. Select the History command button.

    The Managing Tightening Program History pop-up window opens.

Viewing a previous tightening program
  1. Select the Changes tab.

    The left side of the window shows a list of revision histories.

  2. Click one row to select a revision.

    The right side of the window shows a detailed list of the configuration parameters.

    It is possible to compare two tightening program revisions. After selecting the first tightening program, hold the Control (Ctrl) button on the keyboard and select a second tightening program. The right side window then shows both settings. It is possible to show all parameters, or only the parameters that differ by selecting the Show only changes box.

  3. When done, select the Close command button.

    The pop-up window closes.

Comparing two stored tightening programs
  1. Select the Changes tab.

    The left side of the window shows a list of revision histories.

  2. Select two tightening programs from the stored tightening programs.

    A comparison between the two selected tightening programs will be displayed in the column to the right.

  3. Select the Close command button.

    The pop-up window closes.

Switching to a previous tightening program
  1. Select the Changes tab.

    The left side of the window shows a list of revision histories.

  2. Click one row to select a revision.

    The right side of the window shows a detailed list of the configuration parameters.

  3. Select the Replace command button.

  4. Select the Close command button.

    The pop-up window closes.

Printing a tightening program history report
  1. Select the Report tab.

  2. Select the Print command button.

    The print dialog window opens for printing.

  3. When done, Select the Close command button.

    The pop-up window closes.

The printed report contains a complete list of all configurations and parameter values. In addition to this, it lists all the revisions and the changes made in each of the revisions. This provides a complete history of what has been done in the Tightening program. The time stamp shows when changes were made, or when a push was done from ToolsTalk 2.