Controller Communication with the ToolsNet Server

A controller always sends tightening results to ToolsTalk 2. A controller can also send the results to ToolsNet 8 for further processing. The address to the ToolsNet 8 server must be configured in the controller.

To set the communication between the controller and the ToolsNet server:

  1. Select a controller in the Plant structure .

  2. Go to Settings .

    The workspace area displays the Settings menus.

  3. Go to ToolsNet, enable or disable the communication with the ToolsNet server.

  4. If the communication is enabled, set the IP address and port number of the server.

License server parameters





ToolsNet enabled

Enables/Disables communication to the server.


Server host

ToolsNet server IP address.


Communication enabled.

Server port

ToolsNet server port.


Communication enabled.