Installing OpenJDK
Download OpenJDK
Extract the Zip file into a folder, for example: C:\Program Files\Java\. A OpenJDK folder is created and the bin folder is a sub-folder in the main folder.
Select Control Panel and navigate to System Properties.
Select Advanced and then, Environment Variables.
Add the location of the bin folder created during the OpenJDK installation to the PATH variable in the System Variables window.
Example: C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;"C:\ProgramFiles\Java\”OpenJDK_FOLDER”\bin"
Select New in the System Variables window.
Enter Variable name as JAVA_HOME.
Enter the Variable value as the installation path of the OpenJDK (without the bin sub-folder).
Select OK.
Select Apply changes.
Open Command Prompt and enter java -version and check if it prints the newly installed OpenJDK.
It is also possible to point JAVA_HOME to the folder of your OpenJDK installations and then set the PATH variable to %JAVA_HOME%\bin. So when the OpenJDK needs to be changed, only the JAVA_HOME variable can be changed and the PATH can be left as is.
If JAVA is already installed and you want to change to OpenJDK, uninstall java from Add or remove programs. License server needs to be reinstalled. Go to FMS folder in cmd propt, run flexnetls.bat -uninstall and then flexnetls.bat -install.