Global Tightening Program

A tightening program can be either Local or Global. If a tightening program is global, it is indicated with a Yes in the Library link column in the list of tightening programs.

In some documentation and in older GUI versions, the word tightening program may be substituted with the word Pset.

A Local tightening program is valid for a single controller.

Viewing the list of Tightening Programs
  1. Select a controller in the Plant structure workspace .

  2. On the toolbar, select Tightening program .

    The Tightening program overview shows a list of tightening programs.

A Local tightening program can only be edited via the Tightening program tab.

A Local tightening program is not visible in the Tightening program library .

A Global tightening program is valid for multiple controllers subscribing to the tightening program. If a Global tightening program is distributed to a controller, the controller will gray out the program so it cannot be modified, when using traditional strategies such as CATLA. When using multistep strategies, the program can still be edited but it will be overwritten if changes are made in ToolsTalk 2. The Global tightening programs are located in the tightening program library.

Accessing the Library
  1. Select Library in the left-side menu bar.

  2. Select Tightening program library in the top menu bar.

    The Tightening program library shows a list of global tightening programs.

If a controller subscribes to a Global tightening program, it is visible in Tightening program , but editing is prohibited.

A Global tightening program can only be edited via the Tightening program library .