Creating SoftPLC User Data
The integration is implemented so that we have shared memory mapped between the SoftPLC and the OpenProtocol adapter and upto six virtual stations are supported. A virtual station is allotted 100 bytes for the data to the SoftPLC and 100 bytes for the data from the SoftPLC. A total of 600 bytes is mapped in both directions in total.
The SoftPLC can interact with protocol adapters through a dedicated part of the shared memory.
Select Add in the General SoftPLC Settings field.
In the Create SoftPLC user data window, choose the relevant protocol from the drop-down.
Fill in the To SoftPLC and From SoftPLC address fields with 0 for the Start addresses and 599 for the End addresses.
Select Add.
The Global_Variables* section in the Multiprog software will contain the output variables (opOUT_VSX) and input variables (opIN_VSX) for each virtual station with the following addresses.
Virtual Stations
Open Protocol user Data To SoftPLC
Open Protocol user Data From SoftPLC
Virtual Station 1
Virtual Station 2
Virtual Station 3
Virtual Station 4
Virtual Station 5
Virtual Station 6
If you are importing or updating a project that does not already have the above addresses set, then it must be manually added in Multiprog.
Select SoftPLC ON or OFF.
On: If the SoftPLC process is lost the tool will be locked from performing any tightenings.
Off: If the SoftPLC process is lost the tool will still be able to perform tightenings.
Perform open protocol operations in the controller.
Push the changes to the controller.