Distribution of Feature Items

In the Functionality Management System (FMS) workspace, a user can manage licenses on all the controllers that are connected to the Local License Server (LLS) and online to the ToolsTalk 2 server.

  1. Select the System Administration tab .

  2. Select the Functionality Management System tab to show an overview of the License Distribution on the controllers.

The view and information below assumes that a capability file has been received from Atlas Copco, and that it is loaded into the LLS.

License Distribution Overview

The License Distribution Overview is made up of several Sub-Tabs, these are explained below.


The Controller sub-tab shows the distribution of Licensed Feature Items across the controllers. For a more detailed overview, select a specific row to expand it and view the controller's current capabilities





For editing the number of licences distributed on the controllers.


Name issued to the controller.

Virtual Station Types

The amount of licences, by type, distributed to each controller.

Sync Functionalities

The amount of licenses for a fixtured system, by type, distributed to each controller.

Virtual Station Features

Features on Virtual Station level that are present on each Controller.

Controller Features

Features on Controller level that are present on each controller.

Virtual Station Types

The Virtual Station Types sub-tab shows the distribution of Licensed Virtual Station Feature Types across the controllers.

Virtual Station Types



Virtual Station Types

Type of License.

Controller Name

Name issued to the controller.


The amount of Licensed Feature Types distributed to the controllers.


The amount of Licensed Feature Types available to distribute to the controllers.

On controller

The amount of controllers on which the Licensed Feature Types are active.


The amount of controllers on which the Licensed Feature Types are reserved.

When a license is assigned to a controller from ToolsTalk 2, that license is reserved for that controller in the License server. When the controller connects and syncs with the license server, the license will be in both the states Reserved and On controller.


The amount of Licensed Feature Types available in total.

Sync Functionalities

The Sync Functionalities sub-tab shows the distribution of Licensed Sync Functionality Items for a fixtured system across the controllers.

Sync Functionalities



Sync Functionalities

Type of feature

Controller name

Name issued to the controller.


The amount of Licensed Feature Items distributed to the controllers.


The amount of Licensed Feature Items available to distribute to the controllers.

On controller

The amount of controllers on which the Licensed Feature Items are active.


When a license is assigned to a controller from ToolsTalk 2, that license is reserved for that controller in the License server. When the controller connects and syncs with the license server, the license will be in both the states Reserved and On controller.


The amount of Licensed Feature Types available in total.

Virtual Station Features

The Virtual Station Features sub-tab shows the distribution of Licensed Virtual Station Feature Items across the controllers.

Virtual Station Features



Virtual Station Features

Type of Feature

Controller Name

Name issued to the controller.


The amount of Licensed Feature Items distributed to the controllers.


The amount of Licensed Feature Items available to distribute to the controllers.

On controller

The amount of controllers on which the Licensed Feature Items are active.


The amount of controllers on which the Licensed Feature Types are reserved.

When a license is assigned to a controller from ToolsTalk 2, that license is reserved for that controller in the License server. When the controller connects and syncs with the license server, the license will be in both the states Reserved and On controller.


The amount of Licensed Feature Items available in total.

Controller Features

The Controller Features sub-tab shows the distribution of Licensed Controller Feature Items across the controllers, these are dictated by the Tool License

Controller Features



Controller Features

Type of Feature

Controller Name

Name issued to the controller.


The amount of Licensed Feature Items distributed to the controllers.


The amount of Licensed Feature Items available to distribute to the controllers.

On controller

The amount of controllers on which the Licensed Feature Items are active.


The amount of controllers on which the Licensed Feature Types are reserved.

When a license is assigned to a controller from ToolsTalk 2, that license is reserved for that controller in the License server. When the controller connects and syncs with the license server, the license will be in both the states Reserved and On controller.


The amount of Licensed Feature Items available in total.

FMS Portable

The FMS Portable sub-tab shows the distribution of FMS Portable Devices across the controllers.

FMS Portable



FMS Portable

ID number of the FMS Portable device.

Controller Name

Name issued to the controller.

FMS Workspace Features

Command Button

Command button



  • Download request... - The Capability file is retrieved from the LLS and can be sent to the ACLP for updating.

  • Upload features... - The Capability file file received from ACLP is loaded into the LLS.

  • License Distributions... - For exporting, importing, restoring and resetting License Distributions.
    For further information, see separate section in the User Guide.

The Capability file is a binary file that contains the license items. The file is created in the Atlas Copco Licensing Portal (ACLP) and downloaded to the customer. When decoded in the distribution server, a pool of features is created that can be distributed to the controllers in two ways:

  • A networked distribution system using the Functionality Management System server which is controlled through the ToolsTalk 2 user interface.

  • A manual distribution system using a secure USB flash drive that is inserted into each controller and managed through the controller user interface. It is described in detail in the controller documentation.

General Information



Host Id

A unique identity of the distribution server on which the capability file is loaded.

ToolsTalk2 License

The name of the current functionality level.

ToolsTalk2 Virtual Stations

Number of configured virtual stations / total virtual stations available for configuration