
The settings menu contains a preferences section, which is used to select language, torque units and PIN protection of the controller interface.

To set controller preferences:

  1. Select a controller in the Plant structure .

  2. Go to Settings .

    The workspace area displays the Settings menus.

Parameters for controller preference:




Torque unit

Selects the unit in which torque measurement results shall be displayed for this controller in the controller GUI or web GUI.


Temperature unit

Selects the unit in which temperature measurement results shall be displayed for this controller in the controller GUI or web GUI.



Selects the language for the controller that shall be displayed for this controller in the controller GUI or web GUI.


Access via factory port

On/Off. Enables (On) or disables (Off) the communication with the controller.



A PIN can be enabled for this controller when accessed through the controller GUI or webHMI (factory network).

PIN only applies to users accessing Controller through its GUI or webHMI. User is not locked out from ToolsTalk 2 or from working with (configuring and pushing configuration) the controller from ToolsTalk 2 because of the activated PIN.

On: User accessing the controller must use PIN code in order to get write access to the controller.

Off: No PIN code is required for user to get write access to the controller.


Use PIN for Service Port

A PIN can be enabled for the controller when accessed through the service port.

On: User accessing the controller must use PIN code in order to get write access to the controller.

Off: No PIN code is required for user to get write access to the controller.

  • Use PIN for Service Port is enabled only when the Use PIN is set to On.

  • Use PIN for Service Port uses the same Pin codes configured and Inactivity timeout as user going through the factory network.


Pin codes

Select a 4 digit PIN code per added user. Enable/disable user PINs.

Inactivity timeout

The controller GUI or web GUI is automatically locked after an inactivity timeout. Minimum value is 20s.

120 s

The Pin codes and the Inactivity timeout are enabled for editing even when the Use PIN is set to Off.