Tool Configuration in a Virtual Station

This menu is only visible for a Power Focus 6000 controller using handheld tools.

A tool may have several configurations of the tool accessories. Tool accessories are for example the LED’s, push buttons, buzzers and direction rings. Digital I/O signals can be configured to interact with the operator. The tool accessory configuration is made in the Configurations menu .

Virtual station - Tool configuration menu information




Name of the tool configuration.

Tool type

The Tool type filter can be used to show configurations for selected tools. The filter is set when tool accessories are configured in Configurations .


The optional tool configuration description field.


Assigns the selected tool configuration to the tool assigned to the selected virtual station.


Closes the pop-up window without saving any changes.

The list of configurations can be sorted alphabetically. Click on the arrow to change the sorting direction.

Navigating to Virtual station configuration

  1. In the Plant structure workspace select a controller .

  2. Select the Virtual Station tab .
    The virtual station overview shows a list of virtual stations for the selected controller. The list is empty if no virtual stations have been created.

  3. Double-click on a virtual station to open an existing configuration, or click Add to create a new virtual station configuration.


Selecting a Tool Configuration

  1. Select Change in the Tool configuration menu.

    The Select tool configuration pop-up window appears, listing the available tool configurations.

  2. Select one row of tool configurations and select Change in the pop-up window.

    The Select tool configuration pop-up window disappears.

    The Tool configuration menu shows the selected configuration name.

If a tool filter is used in the tool accessory configuration AND a tool is connected and assigned to the virtual station, the Tool type column shows only relevant configurations, and the list is reduced to selectable configurations.

If no tool is assigned to the virtual station or no tool filter is used, all tool configurations are shown in the list.