Working with the Tightening Program Tab

Viewing the list of Tightening Programs
  1. Select a controller in the Plant structure workspace .

  2. On the toolbar, select Tightening program .

    The Tightening program overview shows a list of tightening programs.

The list has the following columns:

List of tightening programs



Check box

Select a tightening program by marking a check box.


Name of the tightening program. A Push indicator can be visible in adjacent to the name indicating that changes have been made, but not yet pushed to the controller.


The tightening strategy selected for the tightening program.

Library Link

Indicates if the program is linked to a Global tightening program in the tightening program library.


The final tightening target is either expressed as a torque value or as an angle value.

Last change

Last changes made, expressed in ToolsTalk 2 time.

Changed by

Indicates which user made the last changes.

Controller updated

Last changes pushed to a controller, expressed in controller time.

Controller updated by

Indicates which user made the last push to the controller.

Approval status

Approval status of the tightening or loosening program

The field Changed by can be a registered ToolsTalk 2 user, as it is done via the ToolsTalk 2 GUI.

The field Controller updated by can be a registered ToolsTalk 2 user, via the web-GUI or via the controller-GUI.

Command buttons in the tightening workspace




Creates a new tightening program.

Add to library

Converts a Local tightening program into a Global tightening program.


Converts a Global tightening program into a Local tightening program.


Compares two selected tightening programs. These must have the same strategy.


Removes selected tightening program(s) from the list.