Virtual Station Overview
To open the Virtual station workspace and view the list of virtual stations:
Select a controller in the Plant structure workspace .
Select the Virtual station tab in the menu bar.
The workspace area displays a list of virtual stations in the controller. The list is empty if no virtual stations have been created.
Column | Description |
Check box | Selects a virtual station. |
Name | Shows the name of the virtual station. |
Changed by | Which user that made changes |
Controller updated | Last time the controller was updated |
Controller updated by | Which user that has updated the controller |
Command | Description |
Add | Creates a new virtual station. |
Delete | Removes the selected virtual stations from the list. |
To access the virtual station configuration menu:
Navigating to Virtual station configuration
In the Plant structure workspace select a controller .
Select the Virtual Station tab .
The virtual station overview shows a list of virtual stations for the selected controller. The list is empty if no virtual stations have been created.Double-click on a virtual station to open an existing configuration, or click Add to create a new virtual station configuration.
The following menus are displayed:
Menu | Description |
Properties | Issues the configuration a name and description. Optional. |
Protocols | Activation and configuration of external communication protocols. |
Tool | Assigns a tool to the virtual station. |
Tool configuration | Assigns a tool configuration to the virtual station. |
Fieldbus mapping | Displays a fieldbus mapping if it is configured and assigned to the controller. This field is information only. The actual fieldbus mapping and configuration is done in theFieldbus and SoftPLC tab. |
Task | Assigns a task to the virtual station or configures how a source signal selects the task to be performed. |
Accessories | Assigns an accessory configuration and an address to an accessory and assigns the combination to a virtual station. |
General | Used when assigning a General Virtual Station. |
Manual Mode | Used to configure the Manual Mode function. |
Licenses | Used for assigning and removing licenses and features to a virtual station. |
For a FlexController, only the Properties, Fieldbus mapping and Task menus are available.