Creating a New Fieldbus Map

  1. Select a controller in the Plant structure window .

  2. Select the Fieldbus and SoftPLC tab in the menu bar.

    Select the Fieldbus sub-tab to show the list of maps.

  3. Select Add to create a new fieldbus configuration or double-click to edit an existing one.

    The Create new fieldbus configuration dialog window opens.

  4. Select the New tab.

  5. Issue the configuration with a name.

  6. Enter the Size to controller parameter. This is the receive size of the data frame to a virtual station, expressed in number of bytes. This value must be an even number.

  7. Enter the Size from controller parameter. This is the transmit size of the data frame from a virtual station, expressed in number of bytes. This value must be an even number.

  8. Select Add to continue with the configuration by adding items to the setup.

The map size entered can not be larger than the Process Data Frame.