Fieldbus Configuration Tab

  1. Select a controller in the Plant structure window .

  2. Select the Fieldbus and SoftPLC tab in the menu bar.

    Select the Fieldbus sub-tab to show the list of maps.



Check box.


Name: Shows the name of the map. The name is identical for both the receive map and the transmit map.

Size to

The size of the receive map to a virtual station. The value must be an even number of bytes.

Size from

The size of the transmit map from a virtual station. The value must be an even number of bytes.

Library link

Linked to global library Yes/No.

Last changed

When were the last changes made, expressed in ToolsTalk 2 time.

Changed by

Who made the last changes.

Controller updated

Controller updated, expressed in controller time.

Controller updated by

Who updated the controller.