Creating SoftPLC Signal Configurations

Interaction between accessories and the SoftPLC is done through exchanging I/O signals.

  1. Select Add to see the list with all supported I/O signals connected to this controller.

  2. Clear the irrelevant signals in order to exclude them from the SoftPLC signal configuration (all signals are selected by default).

  3. Name the signal configuration list.

The created signal configuration is then available as an option to select from the drop-down list when mapping the signal configurations to the virtual station.

The signals not included in a signal configuration, will still be visible in the SoftPLC configurator MultiProgram, though crossed out.

SoftPLC Virtual Station Mapping Configuration

  • Add: Select Add to map a new virtual station with a SoftPLC signal configuration. The same SoftPLC signal configuration can be used for multiple virtual stations.

  • Delete: Select the virtual station signal configuration mapping by marking the corresponding check box. Select Delete.

Each virtual station can use one SoftPLC signal configuration. When a virtual station is mapped with a signal configuration, it is no longer available in the list when creating a new mapping. In order to be available, the existing mapping for the virtual station must first be deleted.

SoftPLC Index: Connect specific virtual stations on the controller to an ordered index in the SoftPLC environment. For example, if the SoftPLC refers to virtual station 2, this mapping will inform the SoftPLC exactly which virtual station currently is number 2.

Select Update Project Virtual Station to see any changes you made to a SoftPLC Signal Configuration or SoftPLC Mapping in the SoftPLC project. ToolsTalk 2 will not delete variables in the Multiprog SoftPLC project when updating, only add or modify. Because of this, it is recommended to clear the global variables for Virtual stations or Fieldbus in MultiProg before updating.

Deleting a project

  • The current project can be deleted by selecting the Delete button in the Project area. Select delete again in the dialog window to confirm.