Overall Status Additional Information

On the multiple level and the overall level for each bolt there is a field called Overall Status Additional Information . The possible parameters for this field are described in the table below:




The total status of the tightening is OK, but at least one error that was repaired occurred during the tightening.

Terminated By Reject Management

The bolt did not have any errors of its own but was ordered to terminate due to an error on another bolt.

Reject Management Termination Failed

The bolt was ordered to terminate and an error occurred while executing the termination path.


The tightening was ended due to a stop signal from the outside, for example Machine stop sent through fieldbus or if the tool trigger was released.

Emergency Stopped

The tightening was ended due to emergency stop.

Tool Error

The tightening was ended due to a hardware error in the tool.

Drive Error

The tightening was ended due to a hardware error in the drive.


The device was not allowed to run, since outside signal blocked it.


The controller has loaded an invalid tightening program.


The preStartCheck state of Controller failed, it can be many reasons, such as tool errors, emergencyStop is active and the system received a stop signal and so on.

Reject Management Repair Failed

The bolt was ordered to repair and an error occurred while executing the repair path.