Merge Unit Versions

Merge Unit Versions in the administration center is a function for merging different unit versions. This function is mostly used when the unit has changed name.

Merge versions results in:

  • The tools are not merged in the database.

  • Events and results from the merged units will appear in the remaining unit.

  1. In the Administration drop-down list, select Manage units and then select Merge unit versions.

  2. In the Select unit to merge window, select a unit containing versions in the tool structure and then select Next.

  3. In the Select version to merge within unit window, select the check boxes for the versions to be merged, and then select Next.

  4. In the Summary window, examine the units affected by the merge.

    The following unit versions will be merged together.

    The latest update of the unit versions will be the last remaining version.

  5. Select Merge.

  6. In the warning message, select OK to merge.

  7. In the Merging units window, the remaining unit versions are displayed, select Close.