Complete Installation

The Complete installation installs all ToolsNet components.

Database installations should be done by an expert and only when a DBA is present.

  1. Double-click AtlasCopco ToolsNet IC 8.XX.XXXXX.msi.

  2. In the InstallShield Wizard, select Next.

  3. In the License Agreement dialog box, read the License Agreement. If agreed, select the option I accept the terms in the license agreement, and then select Next.

  4. In the Setup Type dialog box, select Complete, and then select Next.

  5. In the Ready to Install the Program dialog box, select Install, and wait for the InstallShield Wizard to finish the installation.

    The setup must update files or services that cannot be updated while the system is running. If you choose to continue, a reboot will be required to complete the setup.

    • Select OK to close running applications.

    The ToolsNet Installation Configurator opens.

  6. If required, select CONFIRM to restore app settings from the previous ToolsNet installation. Otherwise, select CANCEL.

  7. Select Finish to exit the wizard and to continue with the ToolsNet Installation Configurator.

  8. In the ToolsNet tab, review the application settings and the authentication settings. If required, adjust them and select SAVE.

    If the ACDC service is hosted on the same computer running the installation, set the ACDC IP Address in Application settings to

    If the ACDC version is too old, a warning is displayed:

    Data communication service could not be reached or have a too low version (found version is: X.X.X and required version is: X.X.XXXXX) Do you want to continue the installation anyway? YES or NO.

    When changing the Authentication method in Authentication settings to Windows, a network connection to a domain is required and the Admin group needs to be entered.

  9. In the Database tab, review the On Premise Configuration. Perform the necessary changes and select SAVE.

    For SQL Server

    • In the Server Data Source field, type the IP address, or the computer name for the database, and then select SAVE.

    If the database is hosted on the computer running the installation, set the IP address to

    As to the Credentials for user in order to create the database

    • Enter the user name and password on the SQL Server, and then select SAVE.

    Make sure that the user has permission to create a database, users and database jobs.

    The user name entered is only used for the installation. The installer creates new users with limited access only to the ToolsNet database and the ToolsNet related database jobs.

    • To validate the user credentials, select TEST CONNECTION. The test connection will attempt to access the database using the credentials provided. If the test connection fails, make sure that the user is set up properly on the database server.

    TEST CONNECTION only works for a SQL database.

  10. Select the Database Installer tab and select RUN SCRIPTS.

  11. Wait until the Database Installer has finished and select OK.