Box Analysis
There are two result sections displayed after running the analysis.
Box analysis
Overview and Results
Analyze Trace Data
Place the cursor on the trace to view data of the torque and angle of the trace.
Zoom and Draw Box
Select the Zoom or Draw box option button.
Zoom - Draw a box in the trace area to zoom into a specific selection.
Draw box - Draw a box in the trace area to create a Box displaying the torque and angle data of the area selected. The user determines the identification boxes positions on the reference trace. The boxes are used for identification of deviating traces. If a trace passes through a box, it is considered a deviation. Place a box in the trace to see the intruding traces being converted from OK into NOK.
It is possible to draw up to ten different boxes in the analysis field. The boxes are colored to match the box results. Move between each box by selecting the Box option button. Select the red cross (x) next to the box to remove it.
Sync Traces
Synchronize the traces using by selecting one of the options for Sync traces:
Select Peak or Rundown complete from the list.
To work and analyze the data shown in the and Results list result:
The overview section will show a summary of the results generated.
List of results are shown, see the section Working with the Results for further information.
Open row to view further information and specific data.
Place the cursor on the trace to view data of the torque and angle of the trace.
Draw a box in the trace area to zoom into a specific selection. Select Reset zoom to go back to original view.
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