Connecting to a Power Focus Controller (IxB Connect)

In order to cover applications where a physical controller is required, the IxB tool can connect to a Power Focus 6000 or a Power Focus 8.

Applications where this is required can be, for example:

  • when using field bus

  • when using wired station accessories (stack light, operator panel, and so on)

  • when using I/O

  • when a controller is needed as a physical hub and buffer

  1. Go to Integrated Controller Tool in the home menu and select Integrated Controller in the left pane.

  2. Set Integrated Controller to Off in order to connect the IxB tool to the external controller. Wait for the tool to restart.

    After the restart the configurations stored in the tool, such as tightening programs, will be deleted.

  3. Go to Settings in the home menu and select Network > Wireless Client > Edit. Connect the tool to a wireless network.

  4. In this step the tool will need to restart a second time.

    In Settings select IxB Connect and enter the IP address of the controller. Select Apply and wait for the tool to restart.

  5. In the external controller the IxB tool will now show up in the Tool menu.

    In the Virtual Station menu of the external controller, select Tool > Change Tool in order to select the IxB tool. For further configurations in the external controller, refer to Power Focus 6000 User Guide or Power Focus 8 User Guide.