PCH - Pulse Count High




This restriction is only available for the following tools:

  • ETV-STR61-100-13

  • ETV-STR61-70-13

  • ETV-STR61-50-10

  • ITB-P

Before using the Pulse Count restriction, the Low Reaction Strategies license must be installed on the controller.

This restriction gives a limit to the number of pulses, and makes sure that those are below the specified pulse count high limit.
If the measured number of pulses is higher than the pulse count high limit, the tool is stopped immediately and the program goes to the next synchronization point or the end of the program.
If the torque trigger level is set, the check starts as soon as the measured torque is above the torque trigger level.

If running a tightening step with Pulse Count High step restriction, use the necessary PulseDrive socket/adapter.
If the tightening step runs without the PulseDrive socket/adapter, all the tightenings are NOK. The step error “PulseDrive socket/adapter not detected” shows for no PulseDrive socket/adapter.



Pulse Count High Limit - n+

Pulse count high limit must range from 1 through 9999999.
Pulse Count High Limit text box can be empty.

Torque Trigger - Tt

Torque Trigger must range from 0 through the maximum torque of the tool.
Torque Trigger text box can be empty.