
Tools equipped with a vibrator can be configured to emit vibrations for different signals.

The vibrator is configured by assigning a vibration pattern to a signal selected from a list. A vibration signal can have a priority between 1 and 10, where 1 is the highest priority and 10 the lowest. By default a signal and vibration have the priority 5.

A vibration signal runs until termination unless it is interrupted by a signal with higher priority.

Configure the vibrator
  1. Go to Configurations in the home menu and select Tool Configurations > Edit.

  2. Select 5. Vibrator > Edit.

  3. Select the plus icon to add a new configuration to the table.

  4. Select None to choose a signal.

  5. Set the parameters as applicable:




    10 different priority levels are available for the vibrations where 1 is the highest priority level. Default priority level is 5.

    Time On

    Time (in ms) that the tool emits vibrations.

    Time Off

    Time (in ms) that the vibrator is quiet.


    Number of times the vibrator repeats the on/off sequence.