Rescue Mode

After three unsuccessful restarts the tool will enter Rescue Mode. In this mode it is possible to update the software and/or perform disk management.

Update software in Rescue Mode
  1. Connect the tool to the USB port of the PC. Open a web browser and type in the address

  2. In the Rescue Mode user interface, go to the Software Update tab.

  3. Select the file system to be updated and browse for the correct file.

  4. Select the Update button.

  5. Go to the Power tab and reboot the system.

Perform disk management in Rescue Mode
  1. Connect the tool to the USB port of the PC. Open a web browser and type in the address

  2. In the Rescue Mode user interface, go to the Disk Management tab.

  3. Choose to repair file system or clean data, as appropriate.

  4. Select the Submit button.

  5. Go to the Power tab and reboot the system.