Installing Licenses on the Tool

Note that license sources are limited to one (1) License Server (TT2) and nine FMS Portables (USB dongles) simultaneously. Licenses are either installed via the server (ToolsTalk2) or via FMS Portable. If the license source limit is reached, all licenses from one source need to be removed from the tool in order to add licenses from another source.

Existing licenses are checked against the license server every two hours. If no response from the license server is obtained within a period of 14 days, the affected licenses will be revoked. The user will also be warned when licenses are about to expire. When a license is within 7 days of expiration, the user will be presented with a warning once every two hours. If licenses are not renewed, they will expire and the affected functions will no longer be available.

Installing Licenses from the Server

Server based licenses are distributed through ToolsTalk2. For instructions on how to install server licenses, refer to ToolsTalk2 User Guide.

To enable license installation using ToolsTalk2, the correct license server settings must be configured in the tool.

Configure the tool for server license installation
  1. Go to Settings in the home menu ans select Server connections in the left pane.

  2. In the Atlas Copco License Manager field, set the switch to On.

  3. Insert the correct Server port and Server host IP address (usually the same as the IP address for ToolsTalk2).

  4. Select Apply.

Installing Licenses from FMS Portable (USB Dongle)

The Functionality Management System (FMS) uses a special FMS Portable device to transfer functionality to and from a tool. The USB flash drive contains both a general purpose memory area and a trusted storage area that is only accessible by the License Manager in a tool. The purchased feature items are downloaded from Atlas Copco to the general purpose area. The first time the FMS Portable is inserted into a tool with a License Manager, the file is detected and decoded and the feature items are transferred to the trusted storage area that is only accessible from a License Manager.

Install licenses using a USB dongle
  1. Connect the USB dongle to the tool via a USB adapter cable.

    Prior to the license installation, make sure that the tool has a wireless connection set up to the factory network.

    The USB License Management window will appear. The Pool column will show the total license count on the tool from all sources. The Available on FMS P column shows the licenses available on this dongle, while the From this FMS P column shows the number of licenses that have been moved to this tool from this particular FMS P.

  2. Select the left-pointing arrow next to the license you want to install on the tool.

    The number in the Available on FMS P column will decrease by 1 and the number in the From this FMS P column will increase by 1.