Motor Tuning

A motor tuning adjusts the tool’s motor control unit to optimize the performance and minimize loss.

The motor tuning will take approximately two minutes to perform and will rotate the spindle in both clockwise (CC) and counterclockwise (CCW) directions before it is finished.

For tools configured with open end Gear Front Attachment (GFA):

  • Remove the open end extension from the tool before performing the motor tuning.

Perform motor tuning
  1. Go to Integrated Controller Tool in the home menu and select Tool > Motor Tuning.

  2. Select Perform and then press the trigger on the tool.

  3. Follow the instructions on the screen and keep pressing the tool trigger until the motor tuning is done.

    • If the motor tuning was successful an OK event will be displayed.

    • If the motor tuning was not successful, or the tool trigger was released before the motor tuning was finished, an NOK event will be displayed.