Open Protocol

Under Protocols, in the Virtual Station menu, there is a list of available communication protocols depending on the current license in use. The Open Protocol is available for all licenses.

To gain access to functionality through Open Protocol, a unique port must be defined for the virtual station.

To define the port for Open Protocol:
  1. Go to Integrated Controller Tool in the home menu and select Virtual Station in the left pane.

  2. Set the Open Protocol switch to On.

  3. Enter the Server port number.

  4. Enter the Communication timeout value in seconds, between 15 and 60.

  5. Enter the PLC Index value.

    PLC Index is used to map where in the shared memory the Open Protocol commands are to be written. The default value is 1 but it is possible to enter values 1 to 6.

  6. Choose the action to be applied when the connection to the client is lost.

    The Disconnect setting controls the action applied when a connection error occurs:

    • None - The tightening program continues normally.

    • Lock tool active high - The tool is locked after finishing the current tightening normally.

    • Unassign task - The tightening is aborted after finishing the ongoing task. Except for plain tightening programs or Batch sequences where the task will be removed after finishing.

    • Always lock tool - The tool is locked after finishing the current tightening, regardless of result.

  7. Set Use legacy counter to Yes or No, depending on what is required.

    By setting the counter to Yes, the legacy counter counts all tightenings in a sequence and outputs that number to secondary systems.

  8. Set MID0015 Echo selected identifier number to Yes or No, depending on what is required.

    By setting the counter to Yes, the controller responds the selected identifier number value in MID0015 PSET_SELECTED. Otherwise, the actual tightening program id is sent.

  9. Select the MID2500 loosening program and select a MID2500 loosening program from the list.

  10. Select Apply.