Configuring a Source Batch

  1. Go to Sources in the home menu and select Batch Sequence in the left pane.

  2. Select the plus icon in the top right.

  3. Issue the source batch with a Name.

  4. Set the Abort on new identifier to Yes if scanning a new identifier string should abort the previous scan.

  5. Select the Identifier method (Strings for text, or Number for numerical values)

    If the Identifier method is set to Strings, continue with the following steps:

  6. Set Free order to On if the strings should be able to be scanned in any order.

    Identifier strings can be made up of up to four different strings. When free order is set to Off, the strings must be scanned in a specific order for the system to recognize the string.

  7. If required, add an identifier string by selecting the plus icon in the Identifier string configuration section.

  8. Select the Name label for the identifier string that is to be changed. In the dialog box, the following properties can be indicated per string:

    • Name - the name of the string

    • Length - the length of the string. See Combining Identifier Strings for more information on concatenating strings.

    • Significant positions - the relevant positions in the string. See Significant Positions to Read in Barcode String for more information on significant positions.

    • Saved positions - which positions are to be logged by the system. See Saved Positions for more information about Saved positions.

    The ID number (1−4) in the string properties window cannot be altered, but can only be used to navigate between the different strings.

    An error may occur when Free order is set to On, and the lengths of the different strings are duplicated. The scanned sequence will then not activate a tightening program. To remedy this error, set Free order to Off, or adjust the string lengths.

  9. Select Edit in the bottom of the Identifier String Configuration field.

    In the Edit window, indicate which strings (in the String contains column) that are to be linked to which batch sequence (in the Activates column). Select the plus icon at the bottom to add more strings.

    Wildcards can be used when typing the "string contains". The wildcard(s) can be used at any position in the string. No batch sequence is activated in case of an ambiguous matching result.

    The wildcard is a . (period)