Working with the Batch Sequence Tab

Batch sequences are used to perform a specified number of tightenings in a specific order.

The tightening order can either follow a fixed scheme, or be left to the operator to decide in a free-order scheme. In either case, the sockets or signals can be used to communicate between the tool and the operator.

  • A Batch is set up to perform a specified number of consecutive tightenings using the same tightening program. Batches must have tightening program and batch size specified in order to run.

  • A Batch Sequence is an ordered set of batches, when the operation requires a combination of batches/tightening programs.

A batch sequence can consist of up to 99 batches, with a batch size of up to 250 tightenings. The batches in a batch sequence are carried out in the order listed, or by using a socket selector to choose which batch to run.

A batch sequence is completed (and the tool may be locked) when either:

  • All tightenings have been completed with an OK or NOK result.

  • The Sequence Abort Timer signal terminates the task. Unperformed tightenings are reported with NOK result.