Anchors Tab
The Anchors tab in the Configuration view shows the details of all ILM Anchors in the ILM system.
ANCHOR ID: unique eight character identifier of the ILM Anchor.
STATUS: current status of the ILM Anchor.
Obtaining: ILM Configurator is collecting data from ILM devices.
Pending Changes: unsaved changes have been made to the configuration.
Configuring: sending configuration changes to the ILM device.
OK: data collection complete and configuration updated.
Failed: ILM Configurator could not obtain the device.
GROUPS: groups the ILM Anchor is a part of.
MOVED: shows if the anchor has been moved/tampered with.
X: current configured x-coordinate of the ILM Anchor.
Y: current configured y-coordinate of the ILM Anchor.
Z: current configured z-coordinate of the ILM Anchor.
COORDINATOR: shows if the ILM Anchor is a coordinator or not.
IP ADDRESS: shows the IP address of the ILM Anchor.
DHCP: shows the DHCP status of the ILM Anchor.
VERSION: current installed firmware version.
EDIT DETAILS: the Edit button opens the Details window.
DELETE: the Delete icon deletes the ILM Anchor from the list.