Optimizing the Performance of your Pulse Tool
Recommended Number of Pulses
A Pulse tool well suited for your application should reach the target torque (with shut off) within 5-20 pulses. The number of pulses it takes for the tool to reach target torque can be measured with an analyzer. The tightening time can also be used a guide to know if the tool is appropriate for your application:
≤ 1 second for tools up to 30 Nm
≈ 1 second for tools up to 80 Nm
≈ 2 seconds for tools up to 150 Nm
≈ 5 seconds for tools up to 450 Nm
≤ 10 seconds for tools up to 850 Nm
If the target torque is achieved with less than 5 pulses (= short tightening time), the torque scatter will increase and it can be difficult to adjust to the right level, especially on hard joints.
If the target torque is achieved with more than 20 pulses (= too long tightening time) the wear will increase and more frequent oil filling and service will be required. Too long tightening time, in combination with high production rate, may also result in excessive heating of the oil. In that case the power will decrease with longer tightening time and sometimes no shut off.
If the target torque is achieved with less than 5 pulses this can be fixed by:
Lowering the power setting during tightening.
Reducing the rundown speed.
Changes of power settings and/or rundown speed may affect the torque accuracy.
If the target torque is achieved with more than 20 pulses this can be fixed by:
Increasing the power setting.
Increasing rundown speed.
Changes of power settings and/or rundown speed may affect the torque accuracy.