Running the External Result Tightening Strategy without a Tool Connected

  1. On the Home view, select the Tightening Tab. Then, create a tightening program with External Result strategy.

  2. Return to the Home view and select the Settings Tab. Then, select External Tool.

  3. Select the Plus icon at the upper-right corner of the GUI to create an external tool.

    It is possible to create up to 10 External Tools configurations.

  4. In the External Tool window, enter the model, the serial number and the description of the external tool.

    Serial Number is a mandatory text box.
    The serial number can be used to provide an identifier for the necessary tool, for example the manufacturer serial number. The maximum number of characters for the Serial Number text box is 32.

    Once the switch at the upper-right corner of the External Tool window is set to On, return to the Home view and select the Tool Tab. The added external tool appears in the list of the available tools.

  5. Return to the Home view and select the Virtual Station Tab.

    In the Licenses window, the External Result Tightening Strategy without a Tool Connected feature requires a license to be assigned and used by a virtual station.

  6. In the Tool window, select the necessary external tool. Then, select the tool configuration.

  7. In the Task window, select the tightening program with an External Result strategy.

  8. Send EXTERNAL_OK signal to the Virtual Station.

  9. Select Go Result button to display the results (serial numbers).
    Serial numbers are sent from the External Tool configuration for the tool connected to the Virtual Station.