Tasks are configured in the Task menu. A task runs a tightening program and can be monitored from the Mobile GUI. The results of the task are presented in the Results menu.
To create a tightening program, create a task and select a strategy, either Tighten to Torque or Tighten to Torque plus Angle.
PF6000 締め付けプログラムでは、締め付けを行うためにパラメータを設定する必要があります。 Entering a value for Target Torque is mandatory, as well as Target Angle if Tighten to Torque plus Angle was chosen. Other settings are optional, such as Program name, Peak Torque and Angle. さらに、トルク、ナットの回転角度が維持しなければならない範囲を加えることで、実行中の締め付けを監視することも可能です。
It is possible to run two types of tightening programs from the Mobile GUI, Tighten to Torque and Tighten to Torque plus Angle.
Multistep programs and other types of tightening programs are available in the Web GUI, and should not be assigned to the Virtual Station 1, to avoid incorrectly displayed results.