ILG and Source Batch Behavior

  • The batch started workpiece: When the batch ID matches the workpiece alias the workpiece is started.

  • The batch selected position: The batch ID enables positions that have batch ID = Pset actual ID (not identifier in source tightening). The ILG workpiece order still matters.

  • The batch size and counter is never used in ILG.

  • The total number of tightenings in the batch must match the number of positions in the ILG workpiece.

  • The batch settings in Power Focus (e.g. increment on NOK, decrement on OK loosening and max consecutive NOK) also need to be considered.

  • The option New workpiece finishes the current workpiece and the option Batch number matches workpiece id cannot be used together. This will cause the workpiece to be restarted after every tightening. All tightenings in batch mode generate a tc_job_info with the same ID.

  • Setting legacy counter changes how the batch is counted which could affect the behavior in ILG.