Releasing the Pressure

Torcflex wrenches can be supplied with either co-axial couplings or screw-to-connect couplings. The co-axial coupling system connects both the advance line and retract line with a single connection. The screw-to-connect coupling system requires the advance and retract lines to be connected individually. Before connecting, make sure that the couplings are clean and free of damage.

Before you try to connect or disconnect hydraulic couplings, make sure that there is no residual pressure in the pump.

Electric Pumps

  1. Press the button on top of the solenoid valve several times to release the pressure.

Pneumatic Pumps

  1. Press the Stop [0] button on the remote control pendant to stop the pump.

  2. Press and hold the Stop [0] button and press the Advance [1] button several times to cycle the solenoid valve.


    Advance button


    Stop button

All couplings should be easily connected and disconnected by hand. If not, look for damage or residual pressure in the system.