Settings menu

The Settings menu is used to configure the IP address of the FlexController and set how the FlexController connects to ToolsTalk 2. It is also used to change the date and time of the system.


The Ethernet ports pane includes an illustration that points out the service ethernet port and the factory ethernet port.



Factory ethernet port

Set the IP address, subnet mask and gateway manually or via DHCP.

Service ethernet port

The static IP-address of the service ethernet port is displayed.


See Setting up the Firewall for details.

Server connections




Turn the connection ToolsTalk on or off.
The server port is the port on the computer where ToolsTalk server is installed.
The server host is the IP-address set on the computer where ToolsTalk server is installed.


Turn the connection ToolsNet on or off.
The server port is the port of the server that ToolsNet is connected.
The server host is the IP-address of the server that ToolsNet is installed.

Atlas Copco license manager

Turn the communication with the Atlas Copco license manager on or off.
The server port is the Atlas Copco license manager server port.
The server host is the Atlas Cocplo license manager IP address.

Remote Logging

Turn the communication with the remote logging server on or off.
Select TCP or UDP protocol.
The server port is the remote logging server port.
The server host is the remote logging server IP address.

Configuring the Log Levels

  1. On the home view, got the Settings tab and select Server connection on the left pane.

  2. On the Remote logging window, select Configure.

  3. On the Configure events window, select the applicable check boxes.


    SysLog classification


    Alert, Critical, Emergency, Error




    Informational, Notice

    To restore the selection to the previous configuration, select UNDO.

  4. Select Apply.


This is where you set the date and time for the FlexSystem.



Date and time

Select the source of the systems date and time.

  • Manual. Set date and time in the Web GUI.

  • NTP. Date and time comes from a NTP-server.

  • ToolsNet. Date and time is set by ToolsNet.


Choose a language from the list.

Torque units

Choose a unit from the list.

Temperature units

Select in which unit the temperature should be displayed.


Turn the access through the factory port on or off.


Set if PIN should be active and after how long it should turned on. Refer to Set PIN protection on the FlexSystem.


Alarms are set to control when to perform maintenance or calibration on the tools connected to the system.

The tool service interval and other information are found in the tool view in the Tool menu.



Service indicator alarm

Enables an alarm for when the service interval is reached.

Calibration alarm

Enables the tool calibration alarm for all tools connected to the controller.

Enabling an alarm

  1. Go to the Settings menu.

  2. Open the Alarms menu.

  3. Set On for the chosen alarm to enable it.


It is possible to configure the events available in the controller as either or several of:

  • Acknowledged

  • Logged

  • Displayed




Fieldbus type

Indicates the fieldbus type in use.

Connection status

Indicates the fieldbus connection status: online or offline.

Extended logging

The FlexController automatically creates logs and stores them. These logs can be configured to include extended logging using log groups.




Factory Reset Controller

Click Reset to clear:

  • Settings and configurations

  • Results (including traces)

  • Events

You will need to confirm the action in a following confirmation message. The controller will restart at the end of the process.

Clear Results

Click Clear to clear:

  • Results (including traces)

  • Events

Settings and configurations will remain.

You will need to confirm the action in a following confirmation message. The controller will restart at the end of the process.